
Notes for Reviewers

The editors and the entire editorial board of the Journal of Interactive Drama (ISSN 1994-1250) gratefully acknowledge your support for the journal. Your involvement is crucial to the journal’s success. Your suggestions and contributions are always welcome.

If you deem it inappropriate for you to review a particular article, please kindly inform the editors and return or delete the materials as soon as possible. We take pride in providing authors with quality reviews as well as informing them promptly the status of their submissions. We would appreciate it very much if you could return your final review notification to the editors within six weeks of receiving the materials. However, if you accept a FastTrack Review assignment, please return your final review notification within two weeks. Please use e-mail for journal correspondence.

In addition to general considerations, please take the following points into account:

    Significance and contribution
    Soundness of research, methodology, and/or argumentation
    Logical coherence of its organization
    Relevance and appropriateness of contribution (within a wide scope)
    Flow and clarity of the language

Creative pieces, such as full-length or mini scenarios, should be judged more loosely in terms of rigor but must be considered positive contributions:

    Significance and contribution
    Completeness in content and thought
    Designer’s Notes
    All necessary instructions
    Other scenario-based considerations

Scenarios should be clear and complete with an appropriate introduction that spells out the appropriate age and context for performance as well as how many players of what genders. A cast list should be included. Persons reading the scenario should be able to print it off and run the interactive drama scenario as is with a full and complete understanding of everything that is required, including special rules or special events.

Please place the article in one of these two categories:

    1. Accept for Publication
    2. Reject

For submissions you mark as Reject, you may choose to write some brief comments to the author in regard to what the weaknesses of the piece are and how they might improve it, but you are not required in any way to do so. Most reviewers do not leave comments, but they are welcome if you choose to write them. Do keep in mind that our vetting system does not require detailed review and we do not have a revision policy for submissions so at no time are you obligated to provide detailed comments. Our editorial decisions for publication are based solely upon your recommendation of Accept for Publication or Rejection.

Each submission is vetted by two reviewers in a blind peer process so that reviewers are never aware of the identify of the author of any piece they are asked to judge. If both reviewers give a judgment of accept for publication, the piece is accepted. If one accepts while the other rejects, the piece is rejected. If both reviewers reject, then the piece is rejected. Reviewers need only provide their own judgment of the piece, they are not provided with notification of the final result for any particular piece. Your active and confidential participation in this process is appreciated.

Members of the Editorial Board of this journal are respected scholars who work within the specialties of the publication. As such, they are welcome to submit their own work for consideration. In the case of an editor or member of the editorial board submitting a piece for consideration, the blind review process is safeguarded. In the event a submissions editor has a piece up for review, the editor hands off duties for assigning reviewers to another member of the board who ensures the blind review process and confidentiality is maintained.

Once you have finished with a piece, please send your review decision and any comments immediately to the submissions editor in the shortform format provided when assigned the piece to as the editor will compile results and notify contributors. The editor will also prepare new open submissions for vetting and review and send them to reviewers as they come in.

The duties of Submissions Editor of the journal are shifted periodically with a different member of the Editorial Board taking on the responsibilities so address correspondence to the position rather than a particular member.

Thank you once again. We look forward to receiving your comments soon.

Questions regarding the journal can be addressed to

Journal of Interactive Drama

Interactive Dramas
