Hospital Murder an Interactive Drama Live Action Freeform Role Playing Scenario written by Anna Chang, Alexandra Kao, and Vicky Lin Written as an assignment in English Conversation One, an English as a Foreign Language course taught for freshmen by Brian David Phillips in the Department of English at National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, Spring Semester, 1996 - Copyright 1996 by Anna Chang,Alexandra Kao and Vicky Lin. NAME PLAYER SEX AGE BACKGROUND:PUBLIC BACKGROUND:SECRET ACT Sandra Annie F 28 You are Joseph's daughter. Your mother died years ago,so Joseph married another woman, Jane.Jesoph treated you very well while he was still alive.He told you that he had made his will--after he die,you will inherit a great fortune. In the ward,your father told you that he had known the fact that you were not his daughter.He asked you to leave the family,and after his recovering,he would change his will;he would not leave any legacy to you. Rey told you that you have not to worry anymore because Joseph would die soon.If anyone asked you why you worry, you just answer that you worry your father would suffer in pain when he was sick. Allen Nora M 22 You are Joseph and Jane's son.Your father never treated you well.He used to abuse and insult you. You hate your father because he never treated you and your mother well.He used to abuse and insult you and your mother.He told you that in his will,he would give you nothing,neither even a penny because you are the illegitimate of your mother and William. Before Joseph died,you heard the talk between your mother and William.William told your mother that he could not let her live in misery alone;he had to do something for her,helping her leave the Satan--Joseph. Jane Claire F 40 You are Allen's mother,Sandra's stepmother,and Joseph's second wife.Joseph usually abused you while he was alive.But you always tolerate because you have a sweet temper. You pulled out the oxygen tent of Joseph.You killed him because he raped you while you were 2 months pregnant;thus you lost your unborn baby with William.You married to Joseph because you want to take revenge on him.So,though you know that Allen indeed is Joseph's son,you lied to him that Allen is William's son. You want him to live a life full of hatred,lament,and resent. After you killed Joseph,you saw Helen coming into the ward of Joseph, seeming some kind of nervous,but she didn't see you. William Laura M 48 You are Joseph's brother and Jane's lover.Before Jane was married,you and Jane loved each other very much.Even if Jane was married,you still kept in touch. You hate Joseph because he raped your fiancee,Jane,causing her to have a miscarriage.You wanted to kill him many times but when you think that he is your brother,you would stop the impulse to kill him. You knew that Joseph didn't treat her wife well. And Jane told you that finally she could revenge the baby's death. Helen Fay F 35 You are the mistress of Joseph.Joseph used to discuss his business with you.He told you that in his will,he left something good for you. While Joseph was still alive,he found your sexual relationship with Michael,so he told you that after recovering,he would change his will and would not leave any legacy to you.You wanted to kill him,but when you got in the ward,you found that he was dead. You discovered that Allen's mother,Jane,had got pregnant before she was married to Joseph.You revealed this secret to Joseph.You are the first person who found that Joseph was already dead. Michael Jack M 45 You are Joseph's best partner.The company was established by your cooperation.You have sexual relationship with Helen. You hate Joseph because you could have been the director if there were not Joseph.And also,Joseph discovered that Helen and you had sexual relationship.He threatened you to kick you out not to be a member of the board of directors.He wanted you to lose both your fortune and honor.So you persuaded the board of directors to let you be the director if Joseph died. Helen told you that she decided to kill Joseph because he had known your relationship.If you let him recover from his disease,both of you would....... Rey Eileen M 35 You are lover of Sandra.You and Sandra love each other very much.But you have no money. Joseph warned you to leave Sandra.He said he would not let her daughter marry to a poor guy.And Sandra told you that she was very afraid because Joseph had known that she was not his daughter.He said that after he recovered,he would kick her out and make everyone know that she was a illegitimate. On the midnight when Joseph was killed,you saw Jane came to Joseph's ward for a while,and after Jane left,Helen came the next moment.